Engaging with others is invaluable for your career | Interview with Ashley Goosman

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In this interview, BCI Content Creator, Kieran Matthews, virtually sat down with Ashley Goosman MBCI, founder of Disaster Empire.

Ashley Goosman, MBCP, MBCI, has nearly twenty years of experience in the public and private sectors. It includes managing high-profile crisis incidents ranging from pandemics, natural disasters, a white power incident, network, power outages, and terrorist incidents. She worked for the American Red Cross September 11 Recovery Program and was a member of Hurricane Katrina-Massachusetts Operation Helping Hand. As the Director of Emergency Services for the Mass Dept. of Mental Health, she led multiple SAMHSA Crisis Counseling Program (CCP) grants. She is a certified CCP trainer and innovated online education in Psychological First Aid (PFA) and stress management for public health professionals. She served as an adjunct Senior Instructor, teaching on Terrorism and Disasters for seven years. Ashley has experience conducting business continuity globally. In 2019, she launched the resilience blog disasterempire.com is a co-founder of the Resilience Think Tank and is a Risk Manager II for Liberty Mutual Insurance.
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