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Mrs Ashley Goosman MBCI, MPCP

Business Continuity Project Manager, United States, MBCI

Ashley Goosman is a Business Continuity and Crisis Management manager who works for Liberty Mutual Insurance, helping employees Enterprise-wide respond to and prepare for business interruptions. Her job is to help provide a safe environment for all employees and enable Liberty’s global operations to run successfully or recover from disruptions. She has international experience administering Liberty’s business continuity program.

Ashley served with the American Red Cross’ September 11 Recovery Program, then as the Massachusetts Dept. of Mental Health’s Director of Emergency Management Services before joining Liberty Mutual Insurance in 2012 as a Business Continuity Project Manager. Since 2017, she has supported the Global Business Continuity crisis management team to lead response and recovery activities for multiple major events. Ashley is a leader in crisis management development within the organization. 

Ashley has worked many high-profile crisis incidents ranging from pandemics, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, severe snow/ice storms, tornados and terrorist incidents. She was a member of the Massachusetts Operation Helping Hand advance team at the Mass Military Reservation for Hurricane Katrina response to support New Orleans residents air-lifted by FEMA. She served as an adjunct Senior Instructor for healthcare administrators, teaching a grad-level course on Terrorism and Disasters for seven years. Currently, she maintains the blog as a way to give back and a source for disaster resilience knowledge and analysis.

She is a Master Business Continuity Professional certified by DRI International and a Member of the Business Continuity Institute. She is NIMS, ICS, HAZMAT, HERT, FEMA/COOP and a certified SAMHSA crisis-counseling trainer. 



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