BCI Cyber Resilience Report 2021

This report, sponsored by Fusion Risk Management, was last published four years ago, and we are pleased to reintroduce it into our portfolio at a time when Cyber Resilience is receiving increased attention in organizations due to rising levels of cyber crime.
This aim of this publication is to benchmark disruption levels and Cyber Resilience arrangements across organizations. It is also delving into more detail about reporting and the role of the senior executive in cyber resilience strategies.
This year, interviewees of the report commented that their organizations had been targeted more in the last we months. However, organizations seem to be better prepared in preventing cyber attacks thanks to better cyber security systems in place, more staff dedicated to Cyber Resilience and more extensive training and exercising programmes. The report also found that the losses incurred as a result of cyber-crime are directly proportional to the amount of organizational investment in cyber security.
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