BCI Coronavirus Organizational Preparedness Report - 3rd Edition

We have continued to see an excellent level of response in our third BCI Coronavirus Organizational Preparedness Report. This is enabling us to get a very true representation of the steps that organizations are taking and the changes in action in every fortnight report.
We can now see a level of plateauing in some areas: organizations are now universal in the basic hygiene measures they are taking, and HR processes have been refined and/or updated to reflect the current environment. Meetings have now been moved to virtual environments and most organizations have now caught up with their cyber security measures.
What we are noticing now, however, is organizations paying more attention to those areas which may have been ignored at the beginning of the response phase in favour of running the business. A month ago, we noted how organizations were not offering staff the level of support needed in areas such as mental health, and internal communication processes were poor leading to increased feelings of isolation amongst staff. Organizations have now greatly improved their processes, with many now vowing to include employee mental health in future response plans.
Encouragingly, we are now seeing more organizations moving towards the recovery phase of their response: some two-thirds are now undertaking scenario analysis to identify a range of potential outcomes and estimated impacts for their organization, and over half are now considering what their new organization will look like post pandemic. There remains an underlying theme each week, however: organizational agility remains paramount to business success post-pandemic.
Discover all the results by logging-in and downloading your PDF copy of the report!