BCI Coronavirus Organizational Preparedness Report - 2nd Edition

The COVID-19 global pandemic has taken the world by surprise, with organizations finding themselves having to cope with pressures not ever witnessed in modern peacetime history.
The very positive response to our first Coronavirus Organizational Preparedness Report has continued into to this 2nd edition. The results provide encouraging evidence of improvement in the actions taken by organizations in the fight against the Coronavirus.
Some of these improvements include new and enhanced HR/Staff measures, from more advanced planning if a staff member is diagnosed with the Covid-19, a much more widespread use of working from home, to measures to support staff in self-isolation and providing mental health aid.
From a business continuity perspective, this week we are reporting that most organizations have officially activated their business continuity plans and are looking at their sustainability for the coming months.
Some organisations are also beginning to think about the pathway to recovery and the trigger points for action. This may feel premature when case numbers are still growing exponentially, but the pandemic will subside. As it does, we can anticipate pressure from governments on dormant organisations to get back to work to minimize the economic damage, and from staff seeking to relieve the social isolation .
Discover all the results by logging-in and downloading your copy of the report.