BCAW 2023 Cyber Resilience Poster #2

  • 17 April 2023

To download the BCAW 2023 Posters please log in to your BCI website profile. If you do not have a website profile, please register here.  Please note that you don't have to be a BCI Member to download the BCAW 2023 Posters and that by registering for a BCI website profile you are not applying for a BCI membership.

Our annual BCAW posters are now available to download! The BCAW posters are a fantastic way to raise internal awareness of business continuity & resilience by providing quick and simple tips that your staff can immediately implement in their daily work routine.

The posters can be shared digitally or printed according to your needs. Should you need editable versions please email [email protected] to request them.  

For more information about BCAW 2023 please click here