Update regarding Global Board Election

Thank you to all who have voted in the Global Board Election.
In accordance with the election rules in the BCI Articles of Association, only two candidates remain eligible for the two available seats due to the canvassing of votes. Pete Frielinghaus FBCI and Wasim Jamil Malik FBCI are, therefore, uncontested candidates for the Board Director positions. We congratulate Pete and Wasim and look forward to their contributions to the BCI Global Board.
As Board Directors, Pete and Wasim will be responsible for setting BCI strategy and policy and overseeing business plans, priorities, and budgets. Moreover, they will be accountable for ensuring the BCI operates in the interests of its members and the wider professional community. They will take the lead role in specific strategic projects and governance activities that support the institute’s objectives, leveraging their established skills and knowledge for the benefit of the BCI.