Celebrating International Women’s Day today and everyday

As we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women today, International Women’s Day (IWD), it is not only a moment to call for action on accelerating gender parity but to consider what more we can do for all who experience discrimination and marginalisation, as individuals and collectively through our organizations to inspire inclusion and enable equality outcomes.
At the BCI we have been reflecting on the role that we, as the global membership association of choice for business continuity and resilience professionals, can play along with our 9000 members in more than 120 countries.
Diversity and inclusion-led approaches do not always deliver equality of outcomes for those who have been discriminated against. Therefore, when setting goals, think about the equality outcome you want to achieve. An example of this might be to reduce the income gap between women and men in your own workforce or in your local area in partnership with others, or to increase the proportion of disabled people living in homes suitable for their disability.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is critical to our success and underpins our organization’s purpose, which is to empower people, other organizations, and society to advocate for business continuity and resilience to drive impactful change.
Whilst we recognise and value diverse backgrounds and experiences, which bring beneficial insights and enhance the way we work, we believe that we must go further. That’s why celebrating International Women’s Day cannot just be one day of celebration, reflection, and action, but it must be a movement to inspire inclusion and enable equalityoutcomes in organizations and more broadly in society.
We believe that there is an exciting opportunity to individually and collectively inspire inclusion and equality outcomes. We look forward to engaging with our members, sharing best practice, ideas, and learning as we progress on our journey together.
The more diverse and inclusive we are, and our industry is, the more resilient our world will be.
The Women in Resilience Special Interest Group is running a hybrid event on Tuesday 26th March 2024
You can register using the link below