BCI White Paper Q3: How to measure BCM programme maturity

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This white paper explores the issue of business continuity management (BCM) programme maturity levels. Establishing a sound business continuity management programme can be quite challenging, depending on the internal requirements and operating context of an organization. There have been previous attempts at creating maturity models for business continuity, but this still remains an ongoing effort. This analysis does not aim to add another model, focusing instead on some key principles that practitioners can use as guidance with some degree of flexibility. To achieve this goal, a small group of experts in business continuity and resilience were consulted regarding their involvement with business continuity management over the years and across different sectors. The experts were interrogated about metrics such as time, formative elements, alignment towards good practices, and the effectiveness of the programme. They also had the opportunity to elaborate on their answers and delve into the internal dynamics of business continuity management.