
Mr Todd Ray MBCI

Business Continuity Professional, United States, MBCI

I am a Business Continuity Professional who is versatile at analyzing and translating complex business requirements into organizational objectives. With over 20 years of experience, I can develop and implement top of the line Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans for all sizes and types of enterprises. I have a proven ability to resolve problems within a variety of situations and can adapt to all levels of the organization when communicating and collaborating. With a strong background in management and crisis management, I will enhance your organization's performance and prepare and eliminate any risks that may arise. 

Areas of expertise include:
•    Business Resiliency - Multiple industries and companies of various sizes
•    Business Continuity Management – National and International organizations
•    Crisis Management – Corporate and Division plans 
•    Disaster Recovery Planning – Data centers, IT Services, and Applications
•    Business Impact Analysis – Process Development, Implementation, and Management
•    Risk Management – Assessment, planning and mitigation
•    Strategy Development – Internal, External 3rd Party, Supply-chain, Reciprocal Agreements, Social Resilience, and Virtualization.
•    Project Management – Resources allocation, Planning, Documenting, and tracking small to complex projects 



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