
Mr Nicholas Rushton-Young MBCI

Regional Head Business Continuity Crisis Management Information Security, Hong Kong, MBCI




A seasoned industry recognised resiliency risk professional with extensive “hands on” delivery experience in Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Crisis Management, Corporate Security, IT Security, Enterprise Risk, System Security Risk, Operational Risk, Compliance, Vendor & Facility Risk across APJ.

Able to foster long lasting relationships, through trust, thought leadership, and, mind share with senior leadership teams at local, regional, and, global levels.

Enhancing operational effectiveness, people to production processes, strategic partner management. Responding to RFP`s and RFI`s, project delivery.

Rushton is regularly invited to speak externally, Asia Bankers Summits (China to Thailand), International Monetary Fund, numerous local newspaper articles across APJ,

Confident and controlled personality with a natural ability to be calm and targeted in highly stressful situations His work as a regional BCM Manager extends from enabling MNC recovery during and after Bishops Gate bomb, the Docklands Bomb, 911 WTC, Mumbai terror attacks Sri Lankan and Australian floods, New Zealand and Japan quakes (deployed himself for 8 weeks), Thailand flooding, obtaining monies for the Red Crescent, Red Cross, Save The Children Fund, to working with The Pentagon, and, embassies on extraction and repatriation.

InfraCom Development Authority (IDA) IT & BC standards committee member.
Created the first industry standard framework (with regulators) for response and recovery from terrorist attack. Rushton was chairing the Association of Banks that year.

Rushton was awarded Business Continuity Crisis Manager of the year by Bank of America NA.

Island Wide Exercise (IWE) - industry pandemic outbreak selected as the Red Cell Facilitator.

Beijing, and, London Olympics Emergency Response Planning/plans for extraction of employees, athletes, and, families.



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