About the BCI

Global reach, expert knowledge, and 100% member focused. Since 1994 the BCI has been the world’s leading institute for business continuity and resilience professionals.

The vision of the Business Continuity Institute is:

A world where all organizations, communities and societies become more resilient

The core values of the Business Continuity Institute are:

Professionalism:The BCI is built on the principle of professionalising BC practice and its work is to promote, underpin and embed that professionalism

Reliability: The BCI is the authoritative, reliable, global source of information on all aspects of Business Continuity theory or practice for professionals and those who have an interest in organizational resilience

Inclusivity: The BCI exists to provide help to anyone worldwide whose work involves any aspect of organizational resilience

The core purpose (mission) of the Business Continuity Institute is:

Through the professionalism of our communities, the strength of our relationships, the quality of our education, the breadth of our knowledge and the depth of our insight, together we will build a world where every organization is resilient.


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