Mr Kleiton Kühn CBCI MBCI
Business Continuity Specialist, Serasa Experian, Brazil, MBCI
More than ten years working with systems consultancy, project management and business relationship.
Member of the Experian Global Business Resilience Office working as main responsible for BCM, DR and Crisis Management in LATAM Brazil.
Member of IS/IT Projects Committee to evaluate projects risks
related to Business Continuity at Banco Pan.
Responsible for bulding and manage the Nespresso Brazil Business Continuity Plan, Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis and the IS&IT Disaster Recovery Plan.
Design and Implementation of the Nespresso Project Methodology and Management Model in LATAM Markets harmonizing and aligning Regional and Head Quarter Portfolios.
Responsible for driving the Portfolio Management process in the Region as main guardian of the Methodology Life Cycle, Phases, Gates, Templates and Tools.
As LATAM PMO involved in:
- Steering Comittee structuring to
prioritization of IS/IT demands in the pipeline;
- Detailing the
OP building the roadmap of prioritized projects with IS&IT
- Resource allocation for Projects, Support of
functional areas (headcounts and thirds);
- Definying estimated
As accountable for Governance, Compliance and Risk, based on ITIL, COBIT, PCI DSS and other standards, responsible for proposing improvements in processes and implementing controls to manage IS/IT serving Brazil and other Latinamerica markets (Vendors management, Change and Configuration Management, Policies, Procedures and KPIs).
Project management leading consultants teams, analysts and developers
to implement ERP, WMS, Sales Force Automation and other
functionalities related to Logistics and Transportation.
responsible for ISIT business and market assessment, mapping demands
and negotiating priorities to deliverables.
Recognized as a creative person, enthusiastic and cooperative attitude, always seeking the gradual evolution of processes and teams, considering best practices and market experience to propose solutions that overcome problems.
Focused on achieving goals aligned with team development.