Miss Juliana Richardson AMBCI
Emergency Planning Lead, Moorfields Eye Hospital, United Kingdom, AMBCI
Juliana Richardson graduated from Coventry University with a BSc in Disaster Management and Emergency Planning in 2016 and is now working for the Moorfields Eye Hospital as the Emergency Planning Lead. Prior to this role, Juliana has worked for a NHS Trust, Local Resilience Forum, County Council and most recently a London Borough Council.
Juliana won Student of the Year in the CIR Business Continuity Awards 2015. She completed the 5-day BCI training course in 2016, receiving the BCI certificate and is now an Associate Member of the BCI. Juliana has also had an article published as part of Business Continuity Week 2018 on planning within the Public Sector, as well as a blog published during 2020 Business Continuity Awareness Week. Juliana also presented webinar at BCI World Virtual in 2020.
During her various roles, she has developed and updated business continuity processes and procedures, including developing BIA’s for the organisation and developed various training exercises to embed learning with multi-agency partners as well as internal departments.