Mr Roberto Grosso Ciponte FBCI
Managing Director, GC Advisory Services, Switzerland, FBCI
Since December 2000, I am working for the Nestlé group where he was first in charge of the Swiss Nespresso Club and later of the Nespresso Club worldwide. It was during this time that I first got in contact with Business Continuity when I was given the mission to develop BCM solutions for the Customer Relationship Centres, which at that time where single points of contact for the brand and therefore single points of failure. Since 2009 I am in charge of the Business Continuity Management for Nestlé and in 2016 I added to his BCM responsibilities the one of a Risk Manager at their Nestlé owned re-insurance captive. Outside of his day to day work I was from 2013 to 2015 in charge of the BCI Forum in the French part of Switzerland and since March 2015 I am leading the BCI Swiss Chapter. At the 2016 BCI World Conference I was elected at the BCI Board of Directors as a BCI Membership Director.