Mr Christopher Chai AMBCI
Corporate Risk Manager, Group GRC, DKSH Management Pte. Ltd., Singapore, AMBCI
Christopher brings to you 17 years of work experiences in various aspects of corporate planning and development, focused on governance, risk management, and compliance. He is currently attached to DKSH Group as Corporate Risk Manager leading entity wide cross-countries, cross-divisions programs, including Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Internal Controls System (ICS), Health Safety and Environment (HSE), and global commercial insurance programs. Previously attached to AET Tankers and Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific, he has championed programs and projects alike working closely with both internal and external stakeholders including Board of Directors, senior executives, department heads, operational level stakeholders, external business partners and clients. Throughout his career, Christopher has had experience dealing with global, regional and local projects from both in-house strategic and operation perspective, as well as from an external consultancy perspective. With multiple years of Project Management Office (PMO) experiences and accredited as Certified Enterprise-wide Risk Manager (CERM) and in Business Continuity Management (AMBCI), Christopher has a solid grasp of project management methodology from a strategic and operational risk management perspective.