Non-Certified Membership allows you access to some benefits without obtaining a professional credential. We offer two Non-Certified Membership options:  BCI Affiliate Membership and BCI Student Membership.

BCI Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is the perfect first step for those considering business continuity and resilience as a career or for those who have an active interest in business continuity and resilience. This membership type gives you access to several benefits but not a certified credential.

The benefits include:

  • Access to a BCI Mentor
  • 5% discount selected BCI events
  • Access the BCI Good Practice Guidelines (GPG)
  • Access to BCI Chapters and Special Interest Groups/Forums
  • Access to member-only content and research
  • Discounts on third party conferences/events

Learn more about member benefits

Experience required

None – anyone with an interest in business continuity or resilience can become an Affiliate member.

CPD requirements

Encouraged but not required. Learn more about CPD

BCI Affiliate Membership


BCI Student Membership

BCI Student Membership

A BCI Student Membership is a great way to learn more about business continuity and start thinking about a career in the resilience industry.T he BCI considers a student undertaking a study on either a full-time or part-time course related to business continuity and or resilience. By becoming a BCI Student Member, you will have access to the following benefits:

  • Access to a BCI Mentor
  • 5% discount selected BCI events 
  • Access the Good Practice Guidelines (GPG)
  • Access to BCI Chapters and Special Interest Groups/Forums
  • Discounts on third party conferences

Learn more about member benefits

Experience required

A student currently undertaking study on course that is related to business continuity and or resilience.

CPD requirements

Not available at this grade.

Further education & training options

Become a  BCI Certified Member by completing the CBCI Certification Course and passing the CBCI Exam:


CBCI Certification Course

Gain more in-depth and specialised knowledge of business continuity and related discplines with these Specialism Courses:

Progress your professional development even more with these advanced E-Learning courses:

Still unsure which membership type is right for you?  Get in touch!

Our membership team will get back to you with advice and guidance on your next steps.